For UAE residents must hold a valid UAE driving license for at least 6 months* and Emirates ID as primary documents in order to rent a vehicle.
*If your UAE driving license is less than 6 months old, please share a valid driving license as a secondary document from any country which proves you have held a license for more than 1 year.
For Visitor or Tourist must hold a valid driving license for at least 6 months* and Passport copy in order to rent a vehicle.
Visitor and Tourist who holds a valid driving license from our list of countries below irrespective of one's national origin, does not require an international drivers permit:
Albania | Cyprus | Iceland | Malta | Romania | Sweden |
Australia | Denmark | Ireland | Montenegro | Saudi Arabia | Switzerland |
Austria | Estonia | Israel | Netherlands | Serbia | Turkey |
Azerbaijan | Finland | Italy | New Zealand | Singapore | Ukraine |
Bahrain | France | Japan | Norway | Slovakia | United Arab Emirates |
Belgium | Germany | Kuwait | Oman | Slovenia | United Kingdom |
Bulgaria | Greece | Latvia | Poland | South Africa | United States of America |
Canada | Hong Kong | Lithuania | Portugal | South Korea |
China | Hungary | Luxemburg | Qatar | Spain |
Visitor or Tourist who holds a valid driving license and the nationality origin is from our list of countries below will be required to submit an international drivers permit:
Afghanistan | Cayman Islands | Gibraltar | Macedonia | Sao Tome and Principe |
Algeria | Central African Republic | Guatemala | Madagascar | Senegal |
Andorra | Chad | Guernsey | Malawi | Seychelles |
Aguila | Chile | Guinea | Malaysia | Sierra Leone |
Angola | Colombia | Guinea-Bissau | Mali | Sri Lanka |
Antigua | Comoros | Gabon | Mauritania | St Kitts & Nevis |
Argentina | Congo | Haiti | Mauritius | Sudan |
Armenia | Congo Dem Rep. | Honduras | Mexico | Suriname |
Aruba | Costa Rica | India | Monaco | Swaziland |
Bahamas | Cote d’Ivoire | Indonesia | Morocco | Syria |
Bangladesh | Croatia | Iran | Mozambique | Taiwan |
Barbados | Cuba | Iraq | Myanmar | Tanzania |
Belarus | Curacao | Jamaica | Namibia | Thailand |
Belize | Czech Republic | Jersey | Nepal | Togo |
Benin | Djibouti | Jordan | New Caledonia | Trinidad & Tobago |
Bhutan | Dominican Republic | Kazakhstan | Nicaragua | Tunisia |
Bolivia | Ecuador | Kenya | Niger | Uganda |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | Egypt | Kiribati | Pakistan | Uruguay |
Botswana | El Salvador | Kyrgyzstan | Panama | Vatican City |
Brazil | Equatorial Guinea | Laos | Papua New Guinea | Venezuela |
Brunei | Ethiopia | Lebanon | Paraguay | Windward Islands |
Bulgaria | Fiji | Lesotho | Peru | Zambia |
Burkina Faso | French Polynesia | Liberia | Philippines | Zimbabwe |
Cambodia | Gambia | Libya | Russia | Zambia |
Cameroon | Georgia | Lichtenstein | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |
Cape Verde Islands | Ghana | Macao | San Marino | Uzbekistan |
If you require any further assistance or advice, please contact 800-UDRIVE.